I am a life long student of philosophy and wellness. I was very inspired when I read The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran in high school. It opened the door to many ancient wisdom texts and the study of Ayurveda. As that door opened, it became quite clear that this quest is never ending. The wisdom is so potent that it hits you where your are and when you come back to it, it reveals more.

After becoming a mom, I made the decision to give up my career in corporate America and focus on becoming the best parent that I could be. I wanted to learn how to be present and in harmony with my babies. The first big lesson I learned - it is impossible to be present and nurturing to others if you are depleted yourself. This led to many years of trial and error as I embarked on the never ending process of implementing the ancient wisdom into my daily life. At first it was a daunting and humbling endeavor. Over time, as my dedication to Ayurveda, Yoga and Meditation increased, I felt more balanced and resilient both physically and emotionally.

That increased resiliency was the stepping stone to the creation of The Art of Balanced Living, a company with the mission of empowering clients to reduce stress and increase their resiliency through the wisdom of Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation, Pranayama PLUS modern day ACTIVATION skills.


Experienced Business Professional specialized in Business Management, Computer Science, Project Management/Marketing.

Professional Member of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA) and an Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist (NAMA)

Yoga Teacher/Educator, E-RYT 500

Creator and teacher of wellness courses, workshop, retreats and Yoga/Ayurveda Teacher Trainings

I have studied with many leaders in the field of Ayurveda and Yoga including: Dr. Vasant Lad of the Ayurvedic Institute, Dr. Claudia Welch, Dr. Robert Svoboda, and Saul David Raye

Participant in several Healing/Creative Retreats/Trainings with: Elizabeth Gilbert, Martha Beck, Cheryl Strayed, Debbie Ford, Brené Brown and others.
