What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda (aah-your-VAY-duh) is a Sanskrit word that is loosely translated as “the science or knowledge of life.” Originating in India 5,000 years ago, it is considered the oldest continually practiced holistic health system in the world. It is a manual for living in harmony with nature through making informed lifestyle and diet choices for the individual body type (dosha), thus reconnecting us to our healthy, vibrant, energetic, highest self. The Ayurvedic tradition describes the entire physical world (including the body), in terms of the five elements: Space (ether), Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. Everything is a combination of all of the elements in varying amounts. Your unique original constitution (prakruti/genetic blueprint) remains the same throughout your life and is based on the three doshas:  Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Ayurveda views good health as much more than absence of disease and places emphasis on maintenance and prevention as well as treating the whole person, not just the symptoms. This is achieved through balancing the doshas and living in moderation. Once we understand the doshas, we can determine our Prakruti (original balanced state that we strive to maintain) and our Vikruti (current state of imbalance.) Ayurveda empowers the individual to be an active participant in balancing their mind, body, and soul through making informed lifestyle/wellness choices. Ayurveda is not a replacement for Western Medicine. They go hand in hand. Each has a place in maintaining optimal health.

Everyone is a Unique combination of all 3 Doshas (Genetic DNA)

  • Vata

    (SPACE + AIR)

    Vatas tend to be light in structure and form, are usually taller and thinner than average. They have dry skin, cold hands and feet. Due to the air element, vatas main tendency is movement and change. They walk, talk and think fast, but are easily fatigued.

    In balance Vata is creative, alert, light and subtle, filled with new innovative ideas, inspiring, artistic, a healer and quick minded.

    Out of balance Vata is easily fatigued, impulsive, compulsive, erratic, nervous, restless, anxious, fearful, prone to worry and ungrounded.

  • Pitta

    (FIRE + WATER)

    Pittas tend to be medium build with fairly muscular development. They tend to be warm and friendly, outgoing, expressive rational, strong, courageous and focused.

    In Balance: Sharp intellect, alert, precise speech and movement, a leader, punctual, organized, passionate and focused.

    Out of balance: angry, irritable, judgmental, critical, harsh speech, penetrating eyes, intense and resentful. Prone to the “hangries.”

  • Kapha


    Kaphas have a sturdy build with large bones. They move slowly, have a sweet, gentle nature, stable mind and good long term memory.

    In Balance: sweet, loving, grounded, stable, patient, compassionate and nurturing.

    Out of balance: stubborn, possessive, resistant to change, jealous, attached, greedy, lethargic and sluggish.